CMS Counselors...
Assist Students with
- Understanding self and feelings.
- Making difficult choices.
- Setting goals.
- Developing their individuality vs. peer pressure.
- Learning self discipline and responsibility to self, family, and society.
- Developing coping skills.
- Resolving conflicts effectively.
- Learning how school performance relates to future opportunities.
- Learning to recognize and make the best of their abilities.
Offer students
- Classroom guidance lessons.
- Individual counseling and crisis intervention support.
- A safe place to talk.
- Conflict intervention.
- Anger Management skills.
- Study skills assistance.
- Group support for specific issues.
- Character education.
- A safe and caring environment.
How Do Students Contact the School Counselor?
- Self—Referral
- Request of a counselor
- Parent referral
- Teacher/staff referral
- Referral by friend(s)
- Administrative referral
Why Do Parents Contact the School Counselor?
- Concerns over student achievement
- Family health problems
- Test interpretation
- Discussing special needs of their child
- Early discussion of potentialcrises
- Family difficulties or concerns
- New school registration/orientation
Classroom guidance is conducted periodically by the school counselors who are trained to work with students in groups as well as individuals. Examples of topics covered are:
- Test Taking Skills
- Bully Prevention
- Sexual Harassment
- Making Choices
- Setting Goals
- Multi-Cultural Awareness